Friday, May 29, 2009

Another Luna Post

I know..I know.... what you all must be thinking. Isn't there something else going on that she could be blogging about, but right now Luna is getting soooo fun and cute. I had to post a few recent pics. She has changed so much in just the last few days!

In fact, she is growing faster and faster before my eyes, so much that I had to have Toro adjust the box.

Here's her new sized box - I hope this holds her off for at least a while now. Hopefully at least until she officially "potty trained".

Can we get back to playing now... PPPPPLLLEEAASSEE - I went potty like you told me too...and oooh ooh...can you give me one of those yummy treats that I got from Kristin, Pablo and Sophia??? They are soooo yummy!!

I LOVE my new home!!

I'm definitely growing....what am I going to do...

Well...these rawhide things are interesting now.. (notice my new collar) YEPPERS..still a little big, but LOVE it and it matches my leash too. And you know what, walking on a leash isn't all that bad. We went for a walk tonight and it really wasn't that bad - as long as Mom waits for me and/or picks me up and carries me for a while.

Here are a couple of selfie attempts. Until next time folks...we bid you farewell from HOT & STICKY PV!! (hee hee - I now have a reason to take selfies)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Luna is 8 weeks and getting healthy!!

I've really been having fun with Luna. She is starting to feel better and is definitely starting to play like a puppy should be. This past weekend was the first time I left her alone as we had an event on Friday. It broke my heart to hear her crying as I left. She did a great job and we snuggled when I got home at 3:00 am on Saturday morning and I took her to the office with me to work on Saturday for a few hours. She has started to follow me in the street as we go out for short walks, go to the office or run to the corner tienda.

This was after an intense session of play time and she just passed out. Even puppies realize how HOT it is....

I'm just as long as Mom's flip flop!!!

Jeez Mom..I just don't have to GO right now!!!

She likes to hang out in the bathroom and nap while I'm getting ready for work in the morning.

One afternoon when I was doing laundry, I was frantically looking for her and found her sleeping in my pile of clothes. I think she knows my scent.

I think I've saved the best for last. I was playing with her on Saturday afternoon and shot this while she was coming back for another round of tug of war!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Meet Luna

Meet the newest member of my family. I would like to introduce Luna!!

She is a 6 week old mixed breed puppy that I adopted from the local shelter here in PV yesterday afternoon. With all the street dogs that we have in PV, I really wanted to do something meaningful. What better way than to donate and adopt from our local pound. There were so many adorable dogs to chose from it was dificult to decide if I wanted a puppy or a dog picked up off the street. There were some really adorable dogs that I would have considered, except that their owners had 3 days to come and claim them.

I've been thinking about this seriously for probably about 9 months to a year. Her mom has similar coloring and is a smaller medium sized dog and not very big. I have NO idea what her father looks like, so I hope she'll take after her mom's size. I fell in LOVE with her basically right away. She has a short stubby tail that she was born with, the rest of the litter had longer skinny tails and she has a little patch of coloring on the top of her head that kind of looks like a Moon.....hence the name.

Her first night home was very successful night. I read that if you plan to crate train, that you should keep them in the crate, but close to you. When they need to go to the bathroom, they will start whining. Sure enough….3 times last night we got up and we had successful pottie time on the disposable pad. She was a real trooper!!! This morning she wouldn't eat any breakfast or drink any water. This really had me worried. I thought maybe I was just overreacting after all she is only a baby. Sleeping all the time, but I thought aren't babies supposed to eat, sleep and poop???

I did a lot of research on how to potty train a puppy/dog when you work long hours. I decided that I would try "crate-training". I'm worried about my little girl when I'm gone for 18 hours or sometimes more at a time at events. If anyone has any tricks or advice, I'm open as I've always had pets that were outdoor pets.

So, after worrying majority of the day and trying not to break into tears as she hadn't eaten ALL DAY and her poop was well...not pretty. I took my little girl to see a Vet. He was the sweetest vet I have ever been to. He was patient with my Spanish as pet ownership which brings a WHOLE NEW vocabulary and he diagnosed her and helped to put me to ease. She weighs 1 kilo or approx 2.2 lbs. Dr. Pena diagnosed Luna with parasites/worms, etc which were passed from her Mom and that she was Anemic. She was given an oral injection for the parasites and he opened up a can of food and as soon as he opened it up, she started eating. This was a heavy lift. She was finally eating. I walked out of the Vets office with a gel packed full of vitamins, a can of yummy food, that obviously she LOVES and a powder solution to put into her water for electrolytes.

We'll go back next week for a check up and Dr. Pena will give introduce Luna to her first round of vacunications. Pobrecita.....

Her Puppy Meds:

Her first car ride home:

As I was composing this blog tonight I was looking around to find my little chica and she had made her way and snuggled up under my feet next to the couch. Asleep again....

Until next time..we are sending Greetings and LOVE from HOT AND STICKY PV!!! (yes..did I mention it's starting to get YUCK HOT!!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

This post is dedicated to all the lovely women that are Mom's out there! I have so many special ladies in my life that I felt they deserved a special post.

First, My Mom!! You are an extraordinary woman and I'm so grateful for all the values you have instilled in me. Thank you for everything you do and everything you are. You were there when I took my first steps and you were there until I took those steps across the airport to begin this amazing journey. Thank you for all of your support throughout the years.

Here is wishing all of the special ladies in my life a very Special Mother's Day! I love you all and today while composing this blog I wished I had pictures of us together. Happy Mother's day to my Aunt Betty, Aunt Janet, Aunt Jan Jan, Aunt Judy and Aunt Wendy and to my special cousins that are Mom's - Diane, Jessie, Kristin and Pam! Also, I have to send special wishes to my best friend Liza, who will be a Mom to baby #2 in just a matter of weeks!! I'm so excited to meet him in July!

I love all the special women in my life!! Enjoy your day!!!