Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Broken Bones & ME OH MY SOME MORE

Well folks you won't believe it..I have yet again broken another bone. A few weeks ago, we were all walking back ON THE SIDEWALK to the car and I twisted my foot. I didn't think anything of it at first because I was still able to walk on it and there was no immediate pain with it. No Big deal - I was thinking. Well, lo and behold I was wrong.

So, here is how it all panned out. Twisted foot on Sunday, September 6th. Called into work on Monday, September 7th because foot was pretty swollen and wanted to keep it elevated, etc. Tuesday went into working foot feeling better, Wednesday was feeling a little bit better, Thursday foot was feeling really much better and Kristin and I had a meeting and site visit with a November Bride. We met, walked around her wedding venue. After work Kristin and I headed downtown to do some fabric shopping for our upcoming October events and we were almost done and I started to not feel so well. Sat down on the floor and decided that I couldn't go on any more. Friday afternoon - well foot was a hurtin unit, but I pushed through it. Decided later that afternoon I should at least go and have it checked out. Xray tech came back and gave me the results - you have a small fracture.

I happened to fracture the most NON FUNCTIONAL bone in my foot - LUCK OF THE DRAW. ARGH!!! So, no cast but it's use of crutches (or a walker) for me for the next few weeks. I'm in the home stretch now. Only have one more week left and return for a check up and keeping fingers crossed and saying lots of prayers for speedy recovery that he clears the crutches and says we are good to go.

We start our 2009-2010 wedding season next Saturday (October 3) so hoping all is good and I'll be in good shape for our first wedding.

The Sunday following all of this drama Kristin, Pablo & Sophia came to visit and play with Luna for a while. Here are some pictures of the fun day!!
Isn't she just the face of PURE CUTENESS....

Waking up from a nap and cuddling with Mom & Dad...

Strikin a pose - a FUTURE Dancing with the Stars Contestant..

Luna relaxing with Pablo....
ewww - I hate this picture but had to post on of "gimpy"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Luna and The Shadow of the Sun

Luna has a new invisible friend that she isn't sure if she likes or dislikes. About the same time every night when the Sun starts to set it freaks Luna out and she goes absolutely NUTS. Enjoy the video below.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home Improvements, Enchiladas, Dance Party and MORE!!

It's official!!! I've been on the look out for an area rug for a while and a couple of weeks ago I had success!!! Kristin and I headed to Home Depot to get out of the heat and into some a/c and found one that I fell in LOVE with. OH...Plus it was ON SALE!!!

Shortly after I returned home to PV I really wanted to put a hammock chair on my balcony. So, I called up a friend of a friend and he hooked me up. Last week Toro put it up and I couldn't be happier with it. Now, all I'm missing is a couple of pillows and I'll be set. I love just hanging out thinking and reading out on the balcony.

Kristin and Soph enjoyed it too!!

I had Kristin, Pablo & Soph over for enchiladas last week and boy were they YUMMY!! We ate, had a dance party and entertained. It was a great day with family!!

Luna is doing fine and being a puppy monster....She says HOLA from PV!!!