Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Friends

For 3 1/2 years now since I've started this wonderful and exciting Journey - I've really been missing one thing....Friends! Yes, I have my wonderful Crawford-Vargas Family and I have wonderful furry companion - and I have some really great friends that I work with, but in the wedding biz it's really hard to get schedules together to hang out.

I've been given an opportunity this Summer by a gal that took it upon herself to create a group called "Ex-Pats - Younger Generation. The first outing was a bowling activity in which I met a group of great individuals!

I really hit it off with an adorable couple - Sean & Marisol! It has been a great time hanging out with them since late August.

We have fun hanging out and I really enjoy their company. Our first get together - I was invited to their cute apartment for dinner.

Drank some wine and played the Mexican version of Jenga.

Before heading out - Marisol & I

Sean showing us his Jenga skills!

Then we got together and ripped up Puerto Vallarta together a few weeks ago!

Don't know what was going on with my camera - but I must have had it set on a weird setting.

UGH - it was HOT!

The owner of Twisted Palms - Alan and I.

Then, this just this last weekend we got together for dinner at Joe Jack's Fish Shack where I had my first Ginger Mojito - and was it YUMMY! The little mermaid in the photo was hanging off my mojito - it was soo cute!

We then headed over to Twisted Palms for some yummy Martini's.

Perfect opp for a group foto! Like Marisol said - The Three Musketeers! Couldn't have said it better!

We headed over to one of my new favorite joints for some dancing - Roxy's!!!

And finally a picture of my new friends - Marisol and Sean!

And for an update on Luna. She is healing really well. Took her to the vet this past Saturday and Dr. Pena said she is healing as to be expected. I don't have to take her back now for another checkup until January. She's really starting to act like herself - jumping around and acting crazy! Ijust picked up from the vet some cute little flower thingees (gosh - not sure what to call them) but this local company that helps orphaned animals. Here's a few photos of my lovely furry companion - LUNA!

Until next time - Love and Miss you all!!