Saturday, June 6, 2009

I've doubled my size...

Hello my fellow friends and blog followers....

I just can't resist posting some pictures of how big Luna is getting. We went to the vet this afternoon for another check-up. She is still having a little problems with skin infections (as you can see in some of the photos) Dr. Pena says she is getting healthy and has doubled in size. She is officially 2 kilos (or about 4.4 pounds). Oh...and one little detail - Luna has figured out how to maneuver herself out of the re-sized box as the last couple of days when I get home, here Ms. Luna comes prancing out of the bathroom!!

This afternoon after we got home from the vet she curled up on my lap and took a nap. How adorable is that face!!

I think this is one of my favorite pictures yet!!!

She's officially bigger than my shoes

And another nap this afternoon

I'm going to change gears a bit and post a couple pics of my little girl. I can't believe she's 1 and boy is she growing like a weed!!!

Hope you all are staying cool!

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