Saturday, September 24, 2011

4th of July Fun!!!!

The weekend of the 4th of July was filled with surprises, amazing fireworks and memorable moments with family and friends.
I took the Liberty this year of trying to get a family photo that we all didn't have to spend a ton of money on matching outfits.  I was able to find Old Navy Patriotic T-shirts for really inexpensive and thought..."Why not?".  Hoping that everyone would be in the mood and up to getting their photo taken.  They turned out really awesome!  What a adorable and growing little family we have. :)

The Black Family - July 2011

I was also able to get a photo with Mom & Dad separately as well.

The Pontoon got all decked out for the boat parade.

When it was time for the parade, we all hopped on the boat and joined in on the celebration!!  We grabbed our food and we were on our way.  Karen's Mom, Dad had just arrived in time.

Aren't they cute?

Karen's Mom and Sister Crystal.

My adorable Niece and Nephew!

And as we all were partaking in our 2nd round of drinks delivered by Mike, our tummies were full and we were enjoying the lake and family.  Little did we know that we were all in for a surprise..especially Karen.  Mike PROPOSED!!  It was soo amazing, beautiful, emotional.......  AND...she Said "YES!"

The couple is planning a July 2012 wedding.  Super Excited!!!

Then it was time to head back to the Landing as family and friends were starting to arrive for the BIG CELEBRATION!!

Mom and I sporting our matching sandals.  Thanks Mom!

Pam enjoying a little McKenzie time.


David getting some experience!

Family and Friends enjoying the Lake!

Then it was time to start prepping for THE SHOW!!!

Going over the game plan!

The INSANE amount of fireworks.

Then it was time to all get loaded onto the boats as the show was about to start.

The view of the Landing from the VIP boat!

The VIP Boat Members!  Do you notice who might have been a tad bit chilly. :)

And The Fireworks were AMAZING!!  GREAT JOB MIKE!!!

And here's a little quick snap shot of the day and fireworks prep.  

And here's a quick clip of Mike's Spectacular Show!!

Here's one of my ABSOLUTE favorite photos from the weekend!  Thanks Pam!!!

May God Bless America!!!  Hope you all enjoyed your 4th as much as I did!

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