Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The "Day Before" Craziness

Tonight I wanted to give my family and friends an idea of what the "day before" an event is like around The Dazzling Details headquarters.

Joe & Camilla get comfy and stay their distance:

Sophia is entertained:

Our office & desks are deserted and turn into more work areas:

Our team is finishing up painting projects:

Our focus is on bouquets and floral arrangements:

We all pitch together to sometimes "burn" the midnight oil. I love and enjoy how we all work together so hard to bring each and every design full circle. Hop on over to The Dazzling Details blog to view the end results.

And then the next day, with our bodies tired, drained and exhausted and our brains are fried and non-functional we drag ourselves out of bed to enjoy a peaceful breakfast to enjoy beautiful music and ADORABLE company!!

Hope this gives you a "sneak peek" into what our days are like before event days.

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